Institutions and Universities
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research
- Fermilab
- Hamburg University
- Helmholtz Association
- Lund University
- Physics at the Terascale - Helmholtz Alliance
- HERA - Hadron Electron Ring Accelerator at DESY (switched off end of June 2007)
- LHC - Large Hardon Collider at CERN
- RHIC - Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory
- TEVATRON - pp collider at Fermilab (switched off 30th September 2011)
- BRAHMS - Broad RAnge Hadron Magnetic Spectrometers. Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's RHIC
- PHENIX - Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction experiment. Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's RHIC
- PHOBOS - Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's RHIC
- STAR - Solenoidal Tracker. Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory's RHIC
- ALICE - A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN's LHC
- ATLAS - Experiment at CERN's LHC
- CMS - Compact Muon Solenoid. Experiment at CERN's LHC
- LHCb - Experiment at CERN's LHC
- H1 - Experiment at DESY's HERA
- Hermes - Experiment at DESY's HERA
- Zeus - Experiment at DESY's HERA
- CDF - Experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron
- D0 - Experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron
Monte Carlo Event Generators
- AcerMC: LHC background processes
- AlpGen: multiple parton processes
- ARIADNE: QCD cascades using the colour dipole model
- CASCADE: The only Monte Carlo Generator based on the CCFM evolution equations
- EPJPSI: elastic and inelastic vector meson production
- HERWIG: Hadron Emission Reactions With Interfering Gluons
- HIJING: Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator
- ISAJET: p p, pbar p, and e+ e- interactions at high energies
- MadGraph
- MC@NLO: parton showers with NLO QCD matrix elements
- PYTHIA: A very popular and powerful Monte Carlo Program for HEP Physics
- RAPGAP: ep and selected pp processes
- SHERPA: Simulation of High-Energy Reactions of PArticles
Parton Density Functions (PDFs)