How to use the TMDplotter?
All forms are very similar and intended to be easy of use:
- Parameters: the axis limits can be fully controlled: X-axis, Y-axis, as well as ratio Y-axis.
- Curves: the parameters on the curve to plot: parton(s), set (from TMDlib as well as from LHAPDF), scale factor, energy scale, transverse momentum or x (may slightly vary depending on the form). In case of integrated TMDs, there are controls on the integration limits.
- Output: some options on the output can be checked: display the ratio, display the output of the executable (can be of use in case of strange result).
Note: the executable is intended to be released in a near future, including a smart command line, in order to test locally personal fits.
Once more, do not hesitate to take contact with us to include new sets, both from TMDlib or LHAPDF.
Plot TMDs
Calculate values of xA(x,kt,p) for any TMD.
Generate and compare one-dimensional plots of xA(x,kt,p) vs. x, kt or p:
Note: the collinear PDFs cannot be plotted at the TMD level. Some prescriptions exist in order to derivate them and might be included if a strong demand is expressed.
Plot collinear PDFs
Plot collinear PDFs or integral of TMD on transverse momentum as a function of momentum fraction.
Very soon will come the possibility to plot collinear PDFs as a function of the energy scale.
Reminder: in the case of integral of TMDs, there is a control on the integration limits.