TMDplotter 2.2.2
April 2018: release of TMDplotter 2.2.2
Two different methods to plot uncertainties: envelope or Hessian.
October 2016: release of TMDplotter 2.2.0
PDFs can be now plotted with the uncertainties.
September 2016: release of TMDplotter 2.1.2
New functionality: personal sets can be uploaded onto the server.
August 2016: release of TMDplotter 2.1.1
Fix of the TMD integration.
April 2016: release of TMDplotter 2.1.0
The online TMDplotter facility now includes luminosities, simple as double differential on a nice format.
November 2015: release of TMDplotter 2.0.0
The online TMDplotter facility allows you to plot TMDs and PDFs as a function of different variables, ready to be included in your talk.
Thanks for citing us whenever you make use of our facility! Please feel free to take contact with us in order to include your sets in TMDlib and TMDplotter!